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Poland: ROLESKI 4 SPINS - second edition of the biggest reining show
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Quality reining is coming back to Poland! On May 10-11 Roleski Ranch in Stare Zukowice will host the second edition of the Roleski 4 Spins NRHA approved show, this time with a total offering of 17 200 USD in added money!

Roleski 4 Spins 2007, the first ever NRHA approved show in Poland, was a big success: a full house of spectators and riders from Austria, Czech Rep., Germany, Poland, Slovakia and USA attracted the attention of Polish media (press, radio and TV) and proved to be a good way to promote the sport of reining in Poland.


This year's edition will follow a new formula: in fact there will be 2 shows during the weekend!
Roleski 4 Spins I on Saturday, May 10th and
Roleski 4 Spins II on Sunday, May 11th.

Roleski Ranch and Roleski company offers a total of 17 200 USD in added money for this exciting weekend. The riders will compete over those two days for four Lawson Bronze Trophies. Each day there will be seven classes offered: NRHA Open, NRHA Intermediate Open, NRHA Non Pro, NRHA Youth 14-18, NRHA Youth 13 & under, NRHA Snaffle Bit Hackamore Open and NRHA Rookie. There will be something for everyone: from professional riders to youth and amateurs. The culminating point of the weekend will be Sunday's 10 000 USD NRHA Open. Both shows will be judged by three judges.

Roleski Ranch is one of the biggest Western Riding Centers in Poland. Located in Stare Zukowice - approximately 90 km east of Cracow - it has been in use since 2005. The ranch offers comfortable boxes for about 60 horses, indoor arena (30 x 80 m) with a capacity of 800 seats for visitors, outside track (40 x 50m), cozy and comfortable guestrooms, all installations end equipment needed for shows, horse training and breeding. Roleski Ranch pays a lot of attention to the facilities and service quality, that's why Bob Kiser from the Kiser Arena Specialists (USA) - reining footing expert worldwide - was invited there in 2007 to share his knowledge and expertise.

For more information please visit: www.4spins.plrha.pl, www.roleskiranch.com

Contact persons:
Michal Pec, Show Manager, mipe@wp.pl, +48 698-167-047
Katarzyna Pec, NRHA Representative, pecka@wp.pl, +48 604-691-475

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