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Two members from the Swedish Reining Team will go to Bremen 25-26 of February
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One of them are Rick Lemay who will bring three horses, his own stallion Dun It With Charm will start the NRHA Bronze Trophy Reining. A new horse BG Golden Eagle will start the NRHA Limited Open class. Rick is pleased to announce that Jonas Nicklasson, Norway, will have Rick competing his gelding Plain Justin for Sweden in the FEI CRI class. Lemay says that all horses are schooling well and seems fresh for the new show season.

Maj-Britt Lemay will show Dun It With Charm in NRHA Non Pro as will Jonas Nicklasson do with Plain Justin.


The other rider is Peter Ljungberg, who will bring two stallions where Mr Gentle Deduction will show in FEI CRI and Sr Reining. Mr Gentle Deduction is owned by Roland Svensson, Norway and has been shown and trained by Peter for several years. Twistin Illution is the other stallion, he is owned by Inger Pettersson and trained and showed by Peter since he was started under saddle. Twistin Illution will go Jr Reining and NRHA Limited Open.

This is the first competition of the year for the Swedish Riders. One of the big goals for the Swedish Team members during 2005 is to qualify for WEG 2006 in Aachen, Germany. The next show for the Swedish Team members is Dortmund, where they will go as a team but compete as individuals. To go as a team is due to a preparation plan of the Swedish teamleader Torbjörn Jonestad, to make these riders build a strong team before Aachen 2006.


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